My Daddy Dearest is a Filipino drama-comedy series created and written by Denoy Navarro - Punio, under the helm of Don Michael Perez and produced by GMA Network. This series headlines Ogie Alcasid in the title role, with Jolina Magdangal-Escueta and Milkcah Wynne Nacion. The series premiered on June 11, 2012 replacing Alice Bungisngis and her Wonder Walis on GMA early primetime block and June 13, 2012 worldwide via GMA Pinoy TV.
Originally titled as Bongga Ka Tay! (lit. Dad, You Are Fabulous!, and also from the combination words Bong which is the name of the main character, and the Filipino gay lingo bongga which means fabulous) but was later changed to My Daddy Dearest.
Inspired on Sebastián Ortega's hit telenovela, Lalola, the series centers on Bong, played by Ogie Alcasid and his daughter Daisy, played by Milkcah Wynne Nacion. They've never been so close to each other and Bong, being a single parent and has no idea on how to raise his daughter all by himself. Daisy tried her best to get her dad's attention but because of one certain wish, everything goes beyond their imagination which changes Daisy's dad into a woman.
Bong (played by Ogie Alcasid) is a millionaire and a major playboy who lives the good life until he meets and falls in love with Rose (played by Jolina Magdangal-Escueta), a simple, loving woman who has a unique gift for growing and tending plants. Their love continues to blossom with the birth of a beautiful daughter named Daisy (Milkcah Wynne Nacion). But unfortunately, fate has other plans for and his family. Rose dies in a tragic accident during Daisy’s first birthday. As a result, Bong goes back to his old playboy ways, leaving his daughter to fend for herself. He is unaware of the daily torments that Daisy goes through in the hands of her Lola Mercedes (Pinky Amador), her Tita Daphne (Sherilyn Reyes), and cousin, Lily (Kyle Ocampo), who all want nothing more than to possess all of Bong’s inheritance including the family company. Despite the luxury being provided for her, Daisy feels lonely because of the absence of her father. Often, she finds refuge in her beloved mother’s garden, which unknown to her, is occupied by a small magical pixie named Winnie (Pauleen Luna). Knowing Daisy’s pain, Winnie decides to help her by granting her one wish: for Daisy’s dad to become a mom instead! Bong’s life turns upside down as he transforms from a "macho papa" to a "sexy mama"!
Originally titled as Bongga Ka Tay! (lit. Dad, You Are Fabulous!, and also from the combination words Bong which is the name of the main character, and the Filipino gay lingo bongga which means fabulous) but was later changed to My Daddy Dearest.
Inspired on Sebastián Ortega's hit telenovela, Lalola, the series centers on Bong, played by Ogie Alcasid and his daughter Daisy, played by Milkcah Wynne Nacion. They've never been so close to each other and Bong, being a single parent and has no idea on how to raise his daughter all by himself. Daisy tried her best to get her dad's attention but because of one certain wish, everything goes beyond their imagination which changes Daisy's dad into a woman.
Bong (played by Ogie Alcasid) is a millionaire and a major playboy who lives the good life until he meets and falls in love with Rose (played by Jolina Magdangal-Escueta), a simple, loving woman who has a unique gift for growing and tending plants. Their love continues to blossom with the birth of a beautiful daughter named Daisy (Milkcah Wynne Nacion). But unfortunately, fate has other plans for and his family. Rose dies in a tragic accident during Daisy’s first birthday. As a result, Bong goes back to his old playboy ways, leaving his daughter to fend for herself. He is unaware of the daily torments that Daisy goes through in the hands of her Lola Mercedes (Pinky Amador), her Tita Daphne (Sherilyn Reyes), and cousin, Lily (Kyle Ocampo), who all want nothing more than to possess all of Bong’s inheritance including the family company. Despite the luxury being provided for her, Daisy feels lonely because of the absence of her father. Often, she finds refuge in her beloved mother’s garden, which unknown to her, is occupied by a small magical pixie named Winnie (Pauleen Luna). Knowing Daisy’s pain, Winnie decides to help her by granting her one wish: for Daisy’s dad to become a mom instead! Bong’s life turns upside down as he transforms from a "macho papa" to a "sexy mama"!